a photo of a bright red, crochet c2c V-puff stitch square oriented in a diamond position. The V-puff stitch is a reversible crochet stitch made up of two puff stitches separated by a ch-1 space.

The V-puff stitch may not be one of my go-to crochet stitches but it holds a special place in my heart because, well, it looks like a heart. A year or more ago, I tried working up a C2C V-puff piece and couldn’t get past the beginning building up part to the closing part. It was a mess of inconsistent tension and weird shaping. After gaining some more experience working with other bulky C2C projects, I figured out that the puff stitches I was using were too bulky. That’s why I used only 5 loop puff stitches for this C2C stitch pattern. When working up a C2C V-puff piece, you may notice that the corners curl up a bit. The curling is more noticeable with smaller pieces than larger ones. This is normal and should go away after blocking. I recommend making a test piece with your intended yarn and blocking it to make sure the curling is fixed.

A written pattern for this stitch is below. If you want a pdf version of the pattern that includes photos and instructions for making rectangles, you can find it here at my etsy shop. You can favorite it at ravelry here.

Any yarn or hook can be used for this pattern.

Stitch abbreviations (in US terms):
ch/s: chain stitch, chain stitches
st/sts: stitch/stitches
dc: double crochet stitch
Puff: puff stitch
V-puff: V-puff stitch


The puff stitch is made by drawing up multiple loops in a single stitch before closing the stitch and securing it with a chain stitch. This pattern uses a 5-loop puff stitch.

A four panel image showing the steps for making a 5-loop puff stitch.

How to make a an 5-loop Puff stitch:
1. Yarn over, insert your hook into the stitch, yarn over and pull through the stitch (3 loops on the hook).
2. Yarn over, insert your hook into the same stitch, yarn over and pull through the stitch (5 loops on the hook).
3. Yarn over and pull through all loops on the hook.
4. Ch 1 to secure your puff.

A four panel image showing the steps for making a V-puff stitch using 5-loop puff stitches.

How to make a V-Puff stitch:
The V-puff stitch is made by making two puff stitches separated by a ch-1 space. For this pattern, the V-puff stitches use 5-loop puffs. To make a V-puff stitch:
1. Make one 5-loop puff stitch.
2. Chain one.
3. Make one 5-loop puff stitch.


While most of the single puff and V-puff stitches are made in the ch-1 spaces of previous V-puff stitches, some stitches are made in between stitches at the beginning and end of a row.

To make a a single puff stitch in between a double crochet and puff stitch:

A three panel image showing how a puff stitch is made between a dc and puff stitch.

Yarn over and insert your hook in the space in between the dc and the nearest puff of the V-puff stitch of the previous row. Complete your puff and finish the row as indicated by the pattern.

To make a V-puff stitch in between a V-puff stitch and single puff stitch:

A three panel image showing how a V-puff stitch is made between a V-puff and puff stitch.

Yarn over and insert your hook in the space in between the second puff of the V-puff stitch and the single puff of the previous row. Complete your puff and finish the row as indicated by the pattern.


Row 1: ch 4 and make a V-puff and a dc in the 4th ch from the hook.
Row 2: turn your work and ch 4. Make a puff in the space between the dc and the V-puff of the previous row. Make a V-puff in the ch-1 space from the V-puff of the previous row. Make a dc in the ch-3 space.
Row 3: turn your work and ch 4. Make a puff in the space between the dc and the first V-puff of the previous row. Make a V-puff in the ch-1 space from the V-puff of the previous row. Make a V-puff in the space between the last V-puff and the single puff of the previous row. Make a dc in the ch-4 space.
Row 4: turn your work and ch 4. Make a puff in the space between the dc and the first V-puff of the previous row. Make a V-puff in every ch-1 space of the V-puffs of the previous row. Make a V-puff in the space between the last V-puff and the single puff. Make a dc in the ch-4 space.
Row 5+: Repeat Row 4. Your piece will start to get triangular in shape. When you reach the desired size, move on to Section Two to make a square.


Row 1: turn your work and ch 3. Make a puff in the space between the dc and the V-puff of the previous row. Make a V-puff in the ch-1 spaces of each of the V-puffs from the previous row. Skip the single puff and make a dc in the ch-4 space.
Row 2: turn your work and ch 2. Make a puff in the ch-1 space of the first V-puff of the previous row. Make a V-puff in the ch-1 spaces of the remaining V-puffs. Skip the single puff and make a dc in the ch-3 space.
Row 3: turn your work and ch 2. Make a puff in the ch-1 space of the first V-puff of the previous row. Make a V-puff in the ch-1 spaces of the remaining V-puffs. Skip the single puff and make a dc in the ch-2 space.
Row 4+: Keep repeating Row 3 until you finish the row with only one puff and one V-Puff. Then move to the Final Row.
Final Row: turn your work and ch 2. Make a V-puff in the ch-1 space of the V-puff of the previous row. Skip the single puff and make a sl st in the ch-2 space.

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