A yellow C2C 3 DC cluster crochet square

This isn’t a complicated C2C variation. It’s not much of a variation at all. But if anyone wants to try a new C2C stitch method without drastically changing the overall look of a C2C square, it’s perfect. This C2C pattern replaces the 3 dc stitches made in each ch-3 space with 3 dc clusters. The 3 dc clusters are slightly tighter and less stretchy than sets of 3 dc stitches, though not by much.

You can find a free pdf download of this at ravelry here.

Materials needed:
Any kind of yarn
A crochet hook in a size appropriate for the yarn used
Yarn needle for weaving in ends
(The yarn used in these pictures is Knit Picks’ Shine Worsted, color Dandelion. The hook is size I / 5.5mm .)

Pattern Abbreviations (in US terms):
ch: chain stitch
dc2tog: double crochet 2 stitches together
3 dc cluster: three double crochet cluster
sl st: slip stitch
* *: repeat instructions in between asterisks as often as indicated


The 3 dc cluster stitch is made by drawing up 3 incomplete dc in either three separate stitches or a single stitch before closing the cluster. This C2C pattern uses the methods of working across three chain stitches and working in a ch-3 space.

To make a 3 dc cluster across three chain stitches:

  1. Yarn over, insert your hook into the first stitch, yarn over and pull through the stitch, yarn over and pull through the first 2 loops on the hook (one incomplete dc).
  2. Yarn over, insert your hook into the second stitch, yarn over and pull through the stitch, yarn over and pull through the first 2 loops on the hook (two incomplete dc).
  3. Yarn over, insert your hook into the third stitch, yarn over and pull through the stitch, yarn over and pull through the first 2 loops on the hook (three incomplete dc).
  4. Yarn over and pull through all 4 loops on the hook (one completed 3 dc cluster).
Four panels, each showing the final view of steps 1-4 of the 3dc cluster over 3 chain stitches tutorial

To make a 3 dc cluster in a ch-3 space:

  1. Yarn over, insert your hook into the ch-3 space, yarn over and pull through the ch-3 space, yarn over and pull through the first 2 loops on the hook (one incomplete dc).
  2. Yarn over, insert your hook into the ch-3 space, yarn over and pull through the ch-3 space, yarn over and pull through the first 2 loops on the hook (two incomplete dc).
  3. Yarn over, insert your hook into the ch-3 space, yarn over and pull through the ch-3 space, yarn over and pull through the first 2 loops on the hook (three incomplete dc).
  4. Yarn over and pull through all 4 loops on the hook (one completed 3 dc cluster).
Four panels, each showing the final view of steps 1-4 of the 3dc cluster in a ch-3 space tutorial



Row 1: ch 5 and dc2tog across the 4th and 5th chs from the hook.

Row 2: Turn your work, ch 6 and make a 3 dc cluster across the 4th, 5th, and 6th chains from the hook. Insert your hook into the ch-3 space from the previous row and make a sl st. Ch 3 and make a 3 dc cluster in the ch-3 space.

Row 3+: Turn your work, chain 6 and make a 3 dc cluster across the 4th, 5th, and 6th chains from the hook. In the first ch-3 space of the previous row, make a sl st. Ch 3 and make a 3 dc cluster. *Insert your hook into the next ch-3 space and make a sl st. Ch 3 and make a 3 dc cluster.* Repeat * * for every ch-3 space of the previous row.

Repeat Row 3 until you reach one row before the decrease rows. Then complete the Transition Row.
For example, if you want ten rows total before starting to decrease, you would repeat Row 3 six more times, then work the Transition Row one time before moving to the decrease section.

Transition Row: turn your work and ch 5, making a dc2tog across the 4th and 5th chs from the hook. *Insert your hook into the next ch-3 space and make a sl st. Ch 3 and make a 3 dc cluster.* Repeat * * for the ch-3 spaces of the previous row until you reach the last ch-3 space. Sl st in the last ch-3 space, ch 3 and make a dc2tog.


Row 1: Ch 1 and make a sl st in the first st and the first ch-3 space. Ch 3 and make a 3 dc cluster. *Insert your hook into the next ch-3 space and make a sl st. Ch 3 and make a 3 dc cluster.* Repeat * * for the ch-3 spaces of the previous row until you reach the last ch-3 space. Sl st in the last ch-3 space.

Row 2: Ch 1, skip 1 st (the sl st of the previous row) and make a sl st in the next st and the first ch-3 space. Ch 3 and make a 3 dc cluster. *Insert your hook into the next ch-3 space and make a sl st. Ch 3 and make a 3 dc cluster.* Repeat * * for the ch-3 spaces of the previous row until you reach the last ch-3 space. Sl st in the last ch-3 space.

Repeat Row 2 until you complete the row that has only 2 sets of a ch-3 space and 3 dc cluster. Then, finish with the following row:
Last Row: Ch 1, skip 1 st and make a sl st in the next st and the first ch-3 space. Ch 3 and make a 2dctog. Make a sl st in the last ch-3 space.

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